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Data Center Networking | Cisco Investments

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Cloud networking connects data, users, and applications across locations—from data centers to branches to the public cloud. 

Multi-cloud networking should provide a homogenous experience across a heterogeneous, hybrid environment. The end goal is seamless, application-to-application connectivity, and granular visibility and policy control for any workload, across any location.

We look to partner with startup founders and entrepreneurs creating innovative cloud networking operating models that span multiple environments with automated workflows to deliver on the vision of the modern hybrid enterprise.


Eran Kirzner

CEO and Co-founder


“With Cisco Investment’s resources and guidance, we have had the opportunity to realize our mission to make the efficiencies, scalability, and performance enjoyed by the hyperscalers available to everyone. Our customers use Lightbits for the business value it delivers—accelerating cloud-native applications, provisioning storage faster, utilizing hardware components more cost-efficiently—this positively impacts their top line and return on investment.”

— Eran Kirzner, CEO and Co-founder, Lightbits

“Cisco Investments’ connections extend our reach and allow us to focus on what really matters - driving our joint value proposition to customers together.”

— Mohit Aron, Founder and Chief Technology and Product Officer, Cohesity
Mohit Aron

Founder and Chief Technology and Product Officer
