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Collaboration | Cisco Investments

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COVID-19 paved the way for a new future of hybrid collaboration—one uninhibited by geographical boundaries or socioeconomic differences.

For decades, Cisco has been at the forefront of leading the change in the way we work and collaborate.

Today, we continue to define the hybrid working model through organic innovation and partnering with founders who disrupt the status quo.

We aim to push the limits of innovation on a global scale with diverse partners by our side, so we can collaborate in ways more effective than ever before.

We believe that employees and customers in the future will enjoy experiences exponentially better than what they have today. Secure, seamless, effortless communication—enabled by real-time AI—will shape the future.


Sunguk Moon

CEO and Founder


“Cisco is a great strategic partner for Blind. We have tapped into their technical expertise and industry insights because they are at the center of Silicon Valley and many major industries. They have been instrumental in helping our community and company grow.”

— Sunguk Moon, CEO and Founder, Blind

“The biggest differentiator of Cisco Investments is their Portfolio Development arm. Their commitment to our success is evident across the board, giving us access to Cisco teams, global customers and helping us focus on the deals that are best for our business. They're our gut check.”

- Vara Kumar, CTO and Co-Founder, Whatfix
Vara Kumar

CTO and Co-Founder
