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Naama Bar Eli | Cisco Investments

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Naama Bar Eli

Administrative Partner

`Picture of Naama Bar Eli`

What I Do

Working as a high-level administration assistant for Cisco is incredibly rewarding. Over a 16-year period, I have honed and evolved the organizational and administrative skills I use daily to provide support to the best and brightest VC and M&A executives both in the country as well varies geographies.

What I’m Passionate About

I’m passionate about exploring new startups and working to support the executives who invest in them.

I love working with colleagues who exude intellectual integrity, understanding of the markets in a dynamic environment and self-awareness. It makes my job mentally stimulating, fun, and rewarding.

I believe that physical fitness is one of the first prerequisites for true happiness and health.

Where I’ve Been

I have been living in Israel most of my life , same is for my career, I’ve spent most of it with Cisco. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Where I Learned I earned a bachelor’s degree in Social studies and psychology from The Open University of Israel.



  • Israel


  • Executive Support