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Success Story: Cisco and Puppet Labs | Cisco Investments

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Success Story: Cisco and Puppet Labs

Cisco Investments Team


Together with Cisco, Puppet Labs is changing the game for IT automation. Puppet Labs software helps thousands of businesses manage infrastructure at scale, allowing them to deliver applications faster and more reliably.

Investment Summary

  • Date Invested: 2011

  • Location: Portland, Oregon

  • Sector: Cloud / Data Center / Virtualization

About Puppet Labs

Puppet Labs is the leader in IT automation. Puppet Labs software helps sysadmins automate the configuration and on-going management of machines and the software running on them. With Puppet Labs software, businesses can make rapid, repeatable changes and automatically enforce the consistency of systems and devices, across physical and virtual machines, on prem or in the cloud.

“The support we’ve received from Cisco Investments goes beyond their financial investments. Since they’ve become an investor, Cisco has helped drive the adoption of IT automation within their large customer base and they’ve also worked with us on extending our automation capabilities beyond compute and into networking and storage. Cisco is a strategic partner that has led to new customers and new opportunities for Puppet Labs.” – Luke Kanies, founder and CEO of Puppet Labs

Cisco Investments Role:

  • Cisco Investments invested in the company in 2011.

  • Cisco was an early adopter of Puppet Labs technologies and uses Puppet to automate the deployment and management of nearly 27,000 servers across seven data centers.

  • Cisco Investments works with Puppet Labs to drive adoption of IT automation within Cisco’s customer base, helping the company reach new, adjacent markets, such as networking.

  • Cisco Investments sponsors internal Puppet Days events for engineering and product teams across its company to increase adoption of Puppet Labs technologies.

  • Cisco Investments has coached the company on Cisco’s GTM organization and channel structure to drive awareness within Cisco’s field teams.

  • Cisco Investments has collaborated with Puppet Labs on other open source projects (such as OpenStack) to the joint benefit of Cisco’s customers.

Business Benefits:

  • Several joint customer wins, resulting in millions of dollars of revenue for both companies.

  • Support for open source projects like OpenStack.

  • Executive level visibility; Cisco opened its CIO-level senior executive audience to Puppet Labs (i.e. CIO Summit).