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Corelight | Cisco Investments

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`Corelight blue logo`


  • US


  • Security and Security Services

Leadership Team

  • Gregory Bell, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer
  • Brian Dye, CEO
  • Vern Paxson, Co-founder and Chief Scientist
  • Robin Sommer, Co-founder
  • Seth Hall, Co-founder and Chief Evangelist

Cisco Investment Team


Corelight Job Board

Corelight transforms network and cloud activity into evidence that security teams use to proactively hunt for threats, accelerate response to incidents, gain complete network visibility and create powerful analytics. Corelight’s global customers include Fortune 500 companies, major government agencies, and large universities. Based in San Francisco, Corelight is an open-core security company founded by the creators of Zeek®, the widely-used network security technology.