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Kii Receives Equity Funding from Cisco Investments | Cisco Investments

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Kii Receives Equity Funding from Cisco Investments

Cisco Investments Team

By FinSMEs

Kii, a San Mateo, CA- and Tokyo, Japan-based platform that enables mobility and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for global customers, received an equity funding from Cisco Investments, Cisco‘s corporate venture capital arm.

The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

The company intends to use the funds to introduce its platform and various IoE solutions throughout the world.

Led by Masanari Arai, CEO, Kii provides a global platform that enables device manufacturers and Internet of Everything (IoE) solution providers to create connected solutions with new data sources generated from IoT to be integrated into cloud service and analytics-driven application models in a wide range of IoE use cases.
With WiFi/Mobility additional data sources, Kii and Cisco can deliver data-rich experiences to customers and create next generation digital experiences and offers over mobility.